Mini Mosquito Rocket Kit #1345

(Formerly Skill Level 1)
A mini engine powered version of the 1335 Mega Mosquito. And do we mean MINI! Standing just 3.8″ tall, this little guy can really soar! The Mosquito features simple and quick construction with out of site performance.
Tumble recovery brings this awesome little rocket back to earth. When powered by the A10-3T mini engine, heights of 800 feet can be reached! That’s more than 200 times his own height! But buyer beware, with him being so small and using the most powerful mini engine we make, he might not return! So consider yourself warned. 🙂
WHAT YOU NEED TO BUILD: Pencil, ruler, fine sandpaper and carpenter’s glue. (Tools, construction and finishing supplies not included.)
WHAT YOU NEED TO LAUNCH (sold separately): Estes Porta-Pad II Launch Pad and Electron Beam Launch Controller, Estes model rocket engines, starters and recovery wadding. Four 1.5V high quality AA alkaline batteries are also required for launch controller (not included).